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Keeping an EYE on Blood Sugar

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month and Northwest Health Services is educating the public on a few Diabetes topics. The first on our list is “Keeping an ‘EYE’ on your Blood Sugar.”

Did you know having Diabetes increases your risk of eye disease? Most people don’t and why would they? Diabetes carries many risks and eye disease is just one. More so, if your Diabetes is uncontrolled it increases those risks even more.

The small vessels in your eyes can become damaged and even leak from excess blood sugar. Even chances of Cataracts and Glaucoma are higher for folks living with diabetes. Diabetic retinopathy is the most common cause of vision loss and the leading cause of blindness in the working age Diabetes population. So what can help? Lowering blood sugar into goal range of course!

Annual vision and dilated eye exams are key to detecting vision damage early. Diabetic Retinopathy often goes unnoticed until vision loss occurs. Aim to visit the eye doctor when Blood Sugars are running in goal. If you are having any changes in vision or new changes with your eyes please visit with your provider. Early detection, timely treatment, and good follow-up care of diabetic eye disease can protect you from vision loss! For more information on Diabetes Eye Care visit the American Diabetes Associations’ Eye Care Page.

Northwest Health offers Diabetic education for anyone interested. To find out class times or to make an appointment for an individual sessions call (816) 901–1013

Tara Stevenson, RN, BSN, CDE is a Certified Diabetes Educator and Nurse with Northwest Health. Tara gives classes on Diabetes management and writes blogs for Northwest Health. You can find Tara at our Family Medicine Associates Clinic in St. Joseph give her a call today (816) 901-1013.


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